Monday 24 October 2011


Throughout all the pages of my final piece 'Hope' there is a hidden watermark. Below is the poem and the hand cut lino prints.

There is nothing to deny as nothing has fallen, why pretend?
We shall all silently carry on. No shame or curse, or revolting secret to hide.
Expertly avoid the dreaded conversation of well being, nothing to tell.

We are all so tarnished. Forever corrupted by this one inexcusable moment.
Everyones troubles seem so trivial. How can they even compare?
Why should i even comprehend their small story. So irrelevant.

But what would it take to retrieve what has passed.
A night with no stars? A sea with no tide?
There are so many offerings. I would change it all for you, I would change my life for you.

The hurt is magnified and suddenly we long with such intensity.
Each heart around me is individually breaking.
And we are all so lost, so extremely lost.

But the memory floods your mind. When does it stop. Please tell me, help me.
Alas there is a time when everything seems clear, forgotten.
How we have wept. We can accept its over, realising you are lost.

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